The Boat and the Sea for Alto Saxophone, Percussion, and Live Electronics

Recorded by the Popebama Duo at Florida State University (FSU) in 2023. Elected final selection of SCI Super Regional Summer Mixtape 2023.

I composed The Boat and the Sea as a celebration of my first love. This piece is inspired by a poem by Xuân Quỳnh (1942–88), one of the most well-known female poets in Vietnam since the twentieth century. Her poem, “Thuyền và Biển” [The Boat and the Sea], is a love letter that describes a woman’s heart through several stages of love. At first, she is a mysterious sea, so enticing yet far away. Then, as her heart grows fonder, she is like gentle ripples, but some other times, she becomes vehement waves that push the boat for no reason. And if she is ever separated from her love, all that remains in her are tumultuous storms.

Below is the original poem by Xuân Quỳnh and my English translation.

Thuyền và Biển


Em sẽ kể anh nghe

Chuyện con thuyền và biển:


“Từ ngày nào chẳng biết

Thuyền nghe lời biển khơi

Cánh hải âu, sóng biếc

Đưa thuyền đi muôn nơi


Lòng thuyền nhiều khát vọng

Và tình biển bao la

Thuyền đi hoài không mỏi

Biển vẫn xa… còn xa


Những đêm trăng hiền từ

Biển như cô gái nhỏ

Thầm thì gửi tâm tư

Quanh mạn thuyền sóng vỗ


Cũng có khi vô cớ

Biển ào ạt xô thuyền

(Vì tình yêu muôn thuở

Có bao giờ đứng yên?)


Chỉ có thuyền mới hiểu

Biển mênh mông nhường nào

Chỉ có biển mới biết

Thuyền đi đâu, về đâu


Những ngày không gặp nhau

Biển bạc đầu thương nhớ

Những ngày không gặp nhau

Lòng thuyền đau – rạn vỡ


Nếu từ giã thuyền rồi

Biển chỉ còn sóng gió”

Nếu phải cách xa anh

Em chỉ còn bão tố.

The Boat and the Sea


I will tell you a story

About the Boat and the Sea:


“Since an unknown time,

The Boat listened to the Sea

The seagulls and blue waves

Guided the Boat to many places.


The Boat’s heart brimmed with passion,

And the Sea’s love was immense.

Tirelessly the Boat sailed on,

Yet the Sea remained so far, far beyond.


On gentle moonlit nights,

The Sea was a little girl,

Whispering out her heart and soul

Like lulling waves that lapped the Boat.


Sometimes, without reasons,

The Sea vehemently swept the Boat

(Because, since ancient times of old,

Has Love ever stood still?)


Only the Boat could see

How tremendous was the Sea

Only the Sea could know

Where the Boat would go.


The days they were apart,

The Sea’s hair turned silver with longing.

The days they were apart,

The Boat’s heart broken with aching.


If the Sea were apart from the Boat,

All she would have left is storms.”

If I were ever torn from you,

Only tempests within me would brew.

In the performers’ score, I quote several lines from the poem at the beginning of each musical section to suggest the desired characteristics of the music. Several extended techniques for the alto saxophone and percussion imitate sounds from the ocean, such as winds, storms, moving sand, the seagulls’ chirping, and whales’ vocalization. For the electronic percussion, I use the recordings from A Collection of Sounds from the Sea on the website of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) as the sound samples.

Here’s the perusal score, which is slightly adjusted to better suit the video format.

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