Song of Separation (Tống Biệt Hành) (2017) for Baritone, Cello, and Piano

The lyrics of this song is the poem “Tống Biệt Hành” (Song of Separation), written by Thâm Tâm in 1940. The poem encapsulates the sentiments of many young Vietnamese people who were facing the oppressive grip of French colonial rule on their homeland. As the nation had enduring nearly a century of silent resignation and brutally suppressed revolutions, the youth yearned for change, but they faced an uncertain future and an uncharted path to liberty.


In the poem, the first-person narrator is bidding a farewell to a young man who is determined to leave his loved ones for a greater cause. Therefore, my music conveys a profound sense of sadness and doubt rather than the promise of a victorious return. I also preserve the structure of the original poem, which has consistent lines of seven syllables and a strict rhyme scheme, a classical style of Vietnamese poetry.

November 18, 2018: Senior Composition Recital.

Tyler Keady (baritone), Mi Ran Choi (cello), and Nguyên “Bobby” Nguyễn (piano).

Đưa người, ta không đưa qua sông,

Sao lòng trong lòng nghe tiếng sóng?

Bóng chiều không thắm, không vàng vọt,

Sao đầy hoàng hôn trong mắt trong?


Đưa người ta đưa mình người ấy.

Giã từ gia đình, người điềm nhiên.

Ly khách! Ly khách! Con đường nhỏ,

Chí lớn chưa về bàn tay không.


Chí lớn chưa về bàn tay không,

Thì đừng mong nữa hôm quay về!

Thì không bao giờ nói quy gia!

Ba năm mẹ già đừng chờ mong.


Ta biết người buồn chiều hôm qua.

Bây giờ mùa hè sen ra hoa.

Một chị, hai chị cũng như sen,

Khuyên nốt em trai dòng lệ sót.


Ta biết người buồn sáng hôm nay:

Trời chưa mùa thu, tươi lắm thay,

Em thơ ngây thơ đôi mắt biếc,

Gói tròn thương tiếc chiếc khăn tay…


Đưa người, người đi, người đi thực.

Mẹ thà coi như chiếc lá bay,

Chị thà coi như là hạt bụi,

Em thà coi như hơi rượu say.

Sending him off, I did not cross the river,

Why does the sound of waves echo in my heart?

The evening light was neither intense nor pale.

Why is there so much sunset in the crystal eyes?


Sending him off, I sent only him off.

Leaving his family, he remained untouched.

Departee! Departee! On the narrow path

With an unfulfilled ambition and empty hands.


With an unfulfilled ambition and empty hands,

Do not yearn for the day of returning.

Do not talk about going home.

After three years, the old mother shall not wait.


I know he was sad yesterday evening.

Now, in the summer, lotuses bloom.

A sister or two are like lotus flowers,

Try persuading their brother with their last tears.


I know he was sad this morning

The autumn has not come, the sky so fresh,

The innocent, azure-eyed younger sister

Wrapped her love and sadness in a handkerchief.


I sent him of. He has truly embarked.

He’d rather regard his mother as a flying leaf,

Rather see his older sister as a speck of dust,

And rather see his younger sister as a waft of wine.

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